Friday, May 7, 2010

Reminiscing CMU I - An inappropriate act

If it feels like life's moving too quick too fast,
It's time to slow down, reminisce the past,
Blog old memories, make them really last
So here I go, penning times passed...

First days on campus I was a simple student,
trying to be humble, yet very prudent.
Life in this land was still very new,
of the culture, people, I had no clue.

So many places, there'd be free food,
pizzas, colas, chocolates, oh so good!
Stopping by tables & stopping by stall,
picking up goodies, both big and small.
Cause? who cares! it's free? that's all!

One such desk of some campaign,
there were many sweets - free again.
As I passed by their busy stall lane,
someone gave me something colored very plain,
I kept walking - did not hear them explain...

Wrapped in plastic, it was an odd looking sweet,
Still in the walk, I tore it open to eat,
People looked at me like I was some cheat!
Some gave me looks of pure shock, defeat!!
One even glanced & beat a hasty retreat!!!
Whats so wrong? in eating a free treat?

But the rolled up ring, did not look right,
Somehow I did not feel like giving it a bite,
so tossed it in the thrash, out of eye sight.

It was only later when I went back to look,
did I realize what the campaign really was...
At those plastic wraps I blinked in cold pause...
"Global AIDS awareness" read the banner's cause!



  1. i remember hearing this story quite a bit :-)

  2. oh yeah... I remember this 1 :-P

  3. @zoxcleb, @Rupsha - wow i can't believe u actually still remember this one.. i think this was way back in our first sem! too cool memory u have :)

    @Koushik - :P

  4. @backbencher
    some things will never be forgotten :-)

  5. @zoxcleb - true i guess :) but not everyone has such good lasting memories.. so they just might still choose to blog, hoping not to forget.. (dont mind plz)

  6. Haha.. well written. I like. Had there been a button.

  7. @backbencher
    you brought it to life!

  8. @Smeeeeeeeth - thanks.. you can always click on the like button on facebook ;-)

  9. @zoxcleb really thank you sir! one free sweet coming ur way!

  10. Very well sung /written :)

  11. Super! As always, you write like a pro.

  12. Wow Bhave Dude! Thank you! You deserve a free "sweet" for sure ;-P

  13. hahaha! hilarious stuff :) it takes someone very courageous to write something so embarrassing!

  14. (that last comment was by Sid Dhar - Anonymous was by mistake!)

  15. @Sid why thank you dude :D i guess it also takes someone very courageous to write something non-Anonymously ;-)

  16. R-O-T-F-L!!! u still have an amazing sense of humor, Hritik ;)
    (I think by now u must have guessed who i am :P)
