Saturday, December 21, 2013

Do teens shy from Facebook?

My guru from whom I learn violin has a teenage student. An American born boy of Indian origin. While some might call him an ABCD, I would never even dream of calling him so. That is because he may be an American born but he is by no means a confused desi! I call him the "vidwan payyan". Not just because he has already rendered a full fledged vocal concert with my astonishingly astute guru sitting in the first row, but because he can memorize an entire page filled with complex swarms in a couple of minutes and play it sweetly on the violin, a feat I seriously doubt even hard-core vidwans in Chennai circles can accomplish.

One day the vidwan payyan's father had come to one of our joint classes. He told me and my guru that it took the boy five full years to accept his own father's friend request on Facebook. This set me thinking… Is it that to some of the younger folks of today, Facebook no longer seems to appeal as a cool thing. If so, why? Is it because they see everyone from their grandparents to their uncles and aunts on Facebook, and that well, restricts precious teenage privacy that teenagers seem to need in large quantities?

So, here is my cartoon take on the subject.

As I read my own post, I suddenly felt very very old! Can't believe I actually typed "younger folks of today"  as if that did not include me! Aaaaaaa!! That is a scary thought!

Well, let me just end this post in the hope that times like these never go away, and things like Facebook continue to be popular for centuries to come among people of all ages.

Merry Christmas :)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Kids These Days!

Too many things have happened since my last blog post. So I thought of ending the hiatus with my newest hobby...
…..After all a picture is worth a thousand words right?
